Tuesday, December 9, 2008

AMD Phenom II processor gets outed, might even be released

Apparently, AMD has officially announced the release of its Phenom II processor -- though if they did, they forgot to actually, you know, announce it. according to EE Times, the quad-core, 45nm chip is said to support DDR2 and DDR 3 memory (the latter up to 1333MHz) and is available at both 3GHz and 2.8GHz speeds (for $275 and $235, respectively). If that's not exciting enough, a 65nm (DDR2) version of the chip is also availabe. The article winds up by saying that the chips are expected to appear in systems on display at the upcoming CES. Sound good? Now all we need is an actual, official announcement. Like, from the chip maker itself. We're looking at you, AMD. Call us. You have the number.

[ Via: Register Hardware ]

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